
Prophylaxisandtreatmentwithananti-inflammatoryagentmaystopprogressionofthereaction.Oralaspirinoribuprofeneveryfourhoursforadayor60mgof ...,2021年9月27日—Treatmentofsevereleptospirosis-relatedJarisch-Herxheimerreactionwithfluidinfusion,vasopressors,corticosteroids,inotropicsupportand ...,corticosteroidsinpreventingHerxheimerreactionsisstillundetermined,andexperienceintheiruseisverylimited.Furth...


Prophylaxis and treatment with an anti-inflammatory agent may stop progression of the reaction. Oral aspirin or ibuprofen every four hours for a day or 60 mg of ...


2021年9月27日 — Treatment of severe leptospirosis-related Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction with fluid infusion, vasopressors, corticosteroids, inotropic support and ...


corticosteroids in preventing Herxheimer reactions is still undetermined, and experience in their use is very limited. Further work on the nature of the ...


由 C McKenzie 著作 · 2021 · 被引用 2 次 — Tertiary syphilis and late latent disease require treatment duration of three weeks with daily benzathine penicillin injections. Neurosyphilis ...

Syphilis in pregnancy and Jarisch

There is no treatment for JHR. Most women will only need to rest, eat well and drink plenty of water until the symptoms pass. Simple pain medications (e.g..

Jarisch–Herxheimer reaction in secondary syphilis

Jarisch–Herxheimer reaction is a benign and self-limited complication of antibiotics treatment, being penicillin treatment for syphilis the classic example.

Jarisch‒Herxheimer reaction

由 M Gautam 著作 · 2023 · 被引用 1 次 — Treatment of choice is intramuscular injection benzathine Penicillin. The Jarisch‒Herxheimer reaction (JHR) is a transient immunological phenomenon that can ...

Jarisch-Herxheimer Reaction

由 A Dhakal 著作 · 2022 · 被引用 21 次 — Jarisch Herxheimer reaction (JHR) is a transient clinical phenomenon that occurs in patients infected by spirochetes who undergo antibiotic treatment. The ...

Herxheimer Reaction

Tetracycline, chloramphenicol, penicillin and erythromycin have been used successfully. As in the treatment of syphilis, antibiotics may elicit a Jarisch– ...